Many business activities are subject to a layer of licensing regulation. In Scotland, these are most often administered by local authorities and can cover a wide range of commercial enterprises including:
- The sale of alcohol;
- Public entertainment;
- Second hand dealers;
- Houses in multiple occupancy; and
- Short-term lets
Our team have expertise in navigating the requirements of local licensing authorities to ensure that you have all necessary permissions in place in allow your business to operate lawfully.
Licensing Lawyers, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Scotland
At Murray Beith Murray, we’re more than just lawyers - we’re trusted advisors. While based in Edinburgh, our commercial property lawyers help businesses and entrepreneurs with commercial property transactions in Glasgow, Livingston, Kirkcaldy, Dunfermline, Dundee, Aberdeen and indeed across Scotland. Our personal, attentive service coupled with sage, astute and commercially-minded guidance allows us to build long-term, ongoing relationships with our clients, helping them to protect their interests.
For more information on licence requirements which may affect your business, please contact Susan Leslie.